Julie Mundy - Champion of Mum Empowerment & Joyful Living

Meet Julie Mundy, a dynamic empowerment coach who has transformed the lives of countless moms. Julie’s own journey from feeling under-appreciated to becoming a source of inspiration and strength is a powerful narrative that resonates with mums everywhere. She's dedicated to helping mums find joy and purpose, not just in motherhood, but in every facet of their lives.

Famous for her razor-sharp wit and authentic perspective, Julie provides a fresh take on the mum experience. She understands that being a mum is incredibly rewarding, yet challenging, and it's about so much more than parenting alone. Julie's approach is about embracing life's imperfections and finding happiness in the everyday.

Julie cultivates a community where moms can be unapologetically themselves. It's a space where laughter, real talk, and a bit of sass form the foundation of a supportive network. She encourages mums to forge meaningful connections and embrace their true selves.

Her book The Bare Naked Truths - The Untold Stories of Motherhood is a celebration of the multifaceted nature of being a mom. It's an invitation for mothers to find deeper connections, live authentically, and relish the diverse aspects of their lives with a sense of joy and fulfilment. And to laugh like no one attractive is watching!


  • Foundations of Coaching Skills Externship

  • How to Run a Successful Workshop

  • Meta Dynamics Level 1

  • Meta Dynamics Level 2

  • Meta Dynamics Level 3

  • Advanced Facilitator Training

  • Trauma Informed



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